PetAlive AGGRESSION FORMULA (舒緩寵物情緒) 20g PAGR001





PetAlive Aggression Formula (舒緩寵物情緒)


而 PetAlive Aggression Formula 就有助舒緩寵物情緒、放鬆寵物的負面情緒和神經過敏的症狀, 並幫助寵物更快融入新環境。

** 若服用後仍沒有改善,請盡快與獸醫聯絡。

  • Homeopathic medicine temporarily reduces behavior problems in nervous or high-strung cats and dogs
  • Discourages disruptive behaviors such as excessive biting, chewing, scratching, and barking or meowing
  • Promotes good social behavior and reduces dominant behavior
  • Supports temporary feelings of calm and nervous system functioning
  • Promotes your pet's ability to relax during new or stressful situations

Ingredients 成分

黃芩,洋甘菊,Belladonna (C30),Arsen alb.,Hepar. sulph.,Lactose

Directions for Use 使用方法

每 30 分鐘使用一次,直至寵物的行為獲得舒緩為止。

貓和小型犬 - 1 撮
中型犬 - 2 撮
大型犬 - 1/4 樽蓋

* 以食指及拇指捏起的份量為一撮

Granules may be sprinkled directly into the mouth or as an alternative mixed with a small amount of wet food.

First dose: Administer every 30 minutes for up to 6 doses
Daily: Administer 3 times a day

Cats: Large pinch of granules sprinkled into the mouth
Dogs under 20 lbs: Large pinch of granules sprinkled into the mouth
Dogs 20-50 lbs: 2 pinches sprinkled into the mouth
Dogs over 50 lbs: 1/4 cap of granules sprinkled into the mouth