[$324/24罐]冰島 Astkatta 無膠主食貓罐頭 火雞肉&雞肉慕絲 80g



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• 適合所有年齡段的貓
• 光滑且易於消化
• 全天然,不含添加劑或角叉菜膠
• 不含味精、人類色素或防腐劑
• 富含維生素A、B、複合物、牛磺酸。

For kitten &adult & senior cats

Chicken 32.0%, Turkey 3.0%, Soybean Oil 1.875%, Vitamins and Minerals 1.368%, Modified Tapioca Starch 0.249%, Taurine 0.062%, Glucosamine Sulfate 0.057%, Tuna Oil 0.057%, Prebiotics 0.057% , Nutritious soup 61.275%

Astkatta believe our pets deserve to eat proper food that’s full of nourishing ingredients. We all know a balanced, nutritious diet is key to staying in tip-top condition, inside and out. We’re passionate about pets’ health and happiness.

We believe that the Astkatta range is simply the best you can feed your pet - we use healthy, nutritious, natural ingredients with carefully chosen vitamins and minerals, to help keep your pet in the best condition. Our recipes use only proper meat which is either fresh or freshly prepared, no cheap fillers and absolutely no nasties whatsoever. You can even smell the difference - our foods smell absolutely delicious!

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