Bayer Drontal Plus Dog 犬用杜蟲藥 (圓型含肉味) (散裝1排8粒) EXP:2028.6





專為驅除貓狗身 上的寄生蟲,驅 蟲範圍最廣的服 用性驅蟲藥 僅食一次,即可 對抗所有寄生蟲 ,有效對付以下 的寄生蟲: 蛔蟲 - 大弓蛔蟲 鉤蟲 - 鉤蟲病、 犬鉤口線蟲 鞭蟲 - 便蟲病 絛蟲 – 細粒棘 球絛蟲病、帶絛 蟲屬病、复孔絛 蟲病 能有效消除貓貓 體內多種寄生蟲 達 95% 以上 只需服用一次即 可驅除體內蛔蟲 、鉤蟲、鞭蟲、 絛蟲等多種寄生 蟲,成貓或成犬 每 3 個月驅蟲一 次,效果極佳, 而且安全性高, 即使懷孕亦可放 心服用 

What is Drontal Plus?

Drontal Plus is a broad-spectrum dewormer used in dogs to treat tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms. Drontal Plus requires a prescription, and is sold per tablet.


Dogs (weighing over 2 lbs and 3 weeks of age)


Proven to eliminate the most common intestinal parasites (tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms)

Chewable tablets are easy to give

Given as a single dose

How it Works:

Drontal's active ingredients are praziquantel, pyrantel pamoate and febantel. Praziquantel works by damaging the parasite's skin internally, so the parasite disintegrates and is removed by the pet's immune system. Pyrantel pamoate is active against hookworms and ascarids and acts as a depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, causing sudden contraction, followed by paralysis. This results in the hookworm losing its grip in the intestinal wall and is removed from the pets system by natural process. Febantel is active against nematode parasites including whipworms.


Side effects of Drontal Plus are rare but may include vomiting, loss of appetite, or diarrhea. Other side effects may also occur. Talk to your veterinarian about any unusual or bothersome side effects that may occur.



Each pill contains 50mg Praziquantel


Recommended to take 5ml weight per 1 kg, which is equivalent to 10kg need to take 1 Bayer Droncit du Wan.


Weight (KG)Daily food intake (ingot)
0.5-2KG1/4 ingot
2-5KG1/2 ingot