Orijen渴望 無穀物 小型幼犬糧 Puppy 6kg ODSP45K





Biologically Appropriate Nutrition

Packed with Fresh or Raw Poultry and Fish: Dogs are evolved from carnivores, and their diet should be rich in animal-based protein. Orijen packs each diet with an abundance of raw animal ingredients to maximize nutrition. 

Authentic Wholeprey Diet: In the wild, dogs' ancestors naturally consumed all the delicious and nutritious parts of their prey, including meat, organs and bone. That is why Orijen include these nourishing whole animal ingredients in all their diets.

Nature-Inspired Complete Nutrition: As pioneers of modern evolutionary foods - Orijen pet foods are developed by an in-house veterinarian and nutritionists dedicated to nourishing pets as nature intended.


新鮮雞肉(18%)、三文魚(12%)、火雞(10%)、鱈魚(4%)、鯡魚(4%)、火雞肝(4%)、新鮮雞內 臟(肝、心)(4%)、新鮮雞蛋(4%)、脫水火雞(4%)、脫水雞肉(4%)、脫水鯡魚(4%)、脫水 雞肝(4%)、脫水雞蛋(4%)、整顆紅扁豆、整顆斑豆、雞油(3%)、整顆綠扁豆、整顆海軍豆、 整顆鷹嘴豆、整顆豌豆、鱈魚油(2%)、扁豆纖維、紐西蘭青口、乾海帶、南瓜、冬南瓜、鹽、 乾菊苣根、蘋果、胡蘿蔔、梨、甜菜葉、羽衣甘藍、菠菜、蘿蔔菜、蔓越莓、藍莓、薩斯卡通 漿果、薑黃、奶薊草、牛蒡根、薰衣草、藥蜀葵根、玫瑰果。



粗蛋白質(最低): 38%
粗脂肪(最低): 20%
灰份 (最高): 9%
粗纖維(最高): 4%
水分(最高): 12%
鈣 (最低): 1.3%
磷 (最低): 0.9%
Omega-6(最低): 3.0%
Omega-3(最低): 1.0%
DHA(最低): 0.25%

EPA(最低): 0.3%